2023-2024 Youth Survey | 2023-2024 青年调查

Background | 背景

There is a lack of health data specifically focusing on Asian American youth in New York City. This survey is intended to help Chinatown 360° bridge the data gap to understand the unique health needs of different Asian and Asian American youth. The primary goal of this survey is to delve into youth insights on mental well-being and substance use. The data collected here will play a crucial role in informing the approach and design of prevention programs to promote well-being as well as shaping advocacy on health equity for Asian and Asian Americans in New York and beyond.

This survey was anonymous and distributed via a common multi-use link. The survey participants include individuals who identify as Asian and/or Asian American AND are high school students in New York City, specifically in grades 9 to 12. 

We collected over 75 youth responses with the majority being female and of diverse Asian backgrounds, primarily Chinese. These students face the traditional high school challenges of academic pressure and future planning but with the added layer of navigating their cultural identities in a big urban setting. They expressed a strong desire for support in managing stress, accessing educational resources, and finding a balance between their heritage and the modern world around them.

纽约市缺乏聚焦于亚裔美国青年健康数据。本次调查旨在帮助Chinatown 360°填补这一数据空白,了解不同亚裔和亚裔美国青年的独特健康需求。本次调查的主要目标是深入探究青年对心理健康和物质使用的看法。这些数据将对预防项目的设计和实施起到至关重要的参考作用,促进福祉,同时为纽约及其他地区的亚裔和亚裔美国人在健康公平问题上的倡导提供依据。



Key Well-Being Areas of Interest and Concern for the Youth | 青年关注和担忧的主要福祉领域

  • High Academic Pressure: There is a significant emphasis on academic achievement, leading to stress and anxiety experienced for several days.

  • Navigating Cultural Identity: Students are actively navigating the complexities of balancing their cultural identity with assimilating into broader American culture, enabling their sense of belonging and self-esteem.

  • Awareness and Engagement with Substance Use: There is an increasing awareness among students about substance use (e.g., a majority do not feel inclined to try marijuana or e-cigarettes in the near future).

  • Awareness about Mental Health Issues: There is an awareness about experiences of anxiety, nervousness, or depression, contributing to feelings of isolation or alienation.

  • Social Support Networks: The strength of social support networks, including friendships and community connections, plays a crucial role in the overall well-being of these students. For example, the majority of respondents mentioned “definitely not” to offers of alcohol, drugs, etc. from friends.

  • Coping Strategies and Behaviors: Students adopt various coping strategies to deal with stress and pressure, which could range from engaging in healthy activities to potentially risky behaviors, including substance use.

  • Access to Educational and Health Resources: Variability in access to resources, depending on socioeconomic status and community support, can significantly impact their well-being.

  • Community and Cultural Engagement: Participation in cultural or community activities provides a sense of belonging and helps reinforce their cultural identity, positively impacting their well-being.

  • 学业压力大:对学业成就的高度重视导致持续几天的压力和焦虑。

  • 文化认同的平衡:学生们在努力寻找自己的文化认同与融入更广泛的美国文化之间的复杂平衡,寻求归属感和自信心。

  • 对物质使用的认识与参与:学生对物质使用(如大多数人近期没有尝试大麻或电子烟的倾向)的认识正在增加。

  • 对心理健康问题的认知:学生们对焦虑、紧张或抑郁的体验有所认识,这些情绪可能导致孤立感或疏离感。

  • 社会支持网络:社会支持网络的强度(包括友谊和社区联系)对学生的整体福祉起着至关重要的作用。例如,大多数受访者对朋友提供的酒精、毒品等表示“绝对不接受”。

  • 应对策略和行为:学生们采取各种应对策略来应对内外部压力,这些策略可能包括健康的活动或有潜在风险的行为,如物质使用。

  • 教育和健康资源的获取:资源的获取因社会经济地位和社区支持的区别而不同,这对他们的福祉有重大影响。

  • 社区和文化参与:参与文化或社区活动为学生提供归属感,并有助于强化他们的文化认同,积极影响他们的福祉。

Data Insights | 数据洞察

#1. 年级与对药物使用的看法的相关性:通过不同年级的学生对药物使用看法的不同分析出学生在什么时候更倾向于使用物质。这对确定干预项目的引入时间至关重要。


#2. 自我评价和族群归属感的相关性:通过分析归属感随自我评价的变化,确定是否有改善和建立归属感和包容的空间。


#3. 自我评价与在家接触酒精的机会的关系


#4. 对做事情缺乏兴趣和乐趣与通过好朋友获取酒精的关系



Close Quarters: Mapping Cannabis, Liquor Retailers Near Schools, Food Pantries, and Parks |近距离:测绘学校、食物周济库、公园附近的大麻、酒类、烟草零售商