Close Quarters: Mapping Cannabis, Liquor Retailers Near Schools, Food Pantries, and Parks |近距离:测绘学校、食物周济库、公园附近的大麻、酒类、烟草零售商

On June 24, 2024., members of Chinatown360 took a Community Data Walk of “Hell Square”, an area of the Lower East Side that got its name because it has the highest density of on-premise liquor licenses compared to any other neighborhood across New York City’s five boroughs.

The purpose of community data walks is to observe and document liquor shops and illegal marijuana dispensaries in Chinatown and the Lower East Side. Participants are provided with maps and tools to document the locations of these shops and dispensaries, as well as other observations on the impact of these establishments on the local community to help inform effective prevention strategies. .

The density of liquor licenses and nightlife activity has sparked significant debate due to the associated harms and dangers to the community. These include alcohol-related harm, noise pollution, community disruption, and safety concerns. Asian/Asian American youth who live, go to school, and/or frequently commute to this area can be negatively affected by this exposure.





2023-2024 Youth Survey | 2023-2024 青年调查


Using Person First Language|使用以人为先的语言