Using Person First Language|使用以人为先的语言

Language is a powerful tool. The words we use can affect the way people receive and perceive our message. Our words can convey support, understanding and encouragement, but can also cause harm and create barriers to treatment and recovery. NYS OASAS strongly encourages the use of person first language when discussing addiction or substance use disorder. That’s why they have developed an online stigma glossary and encourage people to review, print and post, share on social media accounts, or otherwise utilize it for the benefit of all those they serve.

语言是强大的工具。我们使用的词语会影响他人对我们要传达的信息内容的接收和理解。我们的用语能表达支持、理解和鼓励,也会对治疗和康复造成危害和阻碍。纽约州成瘾服务和支持办公室 (NYS OASAS) 强烈鼓励使用以人为先的语言讨论成瘾行为或物质使用障碍。因此他们制作了线上反污名化用语表,鼓励人们了解、打印出来、以及在社交媒体分享,利用这个用语表来支持为所有接受OASAS服务的人。


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